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上海金炜五金机械有限公司无锡分公司 |
公司基本信息 |
JINWEI® 金炜®成立于1997年,是上海市模具行业协会理事会员单位和上海市模具行业特种加工委员会成员。
16年间,超过2千个优质客户帮助 JINWEI® 金炜®成为经验丰富的行业供应商。 成立多年以来,一直致力于专业领域的产品销售与开发,经过多年的历练,已发展为OEM生产、产品销售、技术服务相结合的多元化经营模式。 公司所经营的产品主要来自德国、瑞典、美国、日本、韩国、以色列、中国台湾等国家和地区,代理原产地品牌十余个,合作OEM生产厂家六十余家。 产品广泛应用于金属及非金属加工业。适用于对产品、模具、工艺品、模型、零部件等的加工修整。可以解决钻孔、攻丝、切削、切割,磨平面,倒角,去毛刺,整形,雕刻,研磨,抛光等工序中的各种常规问题,以及对付普通工具难以加工的深孔、沟槽、边角等部位。近年来引进的精密的模具补焊设备,更成为模具修复的得力助手。 随着我国制造业的飞速发展,我公司也在不断地选型和开发适合于模具、塑胶业、电子、金属、工艺品等行业的优质产品。 我公司将本着 “专业于产品 . 专注于方案” 的理念,始终如一的为您提供好的产品及服务。 More than sixteen years of experience in tools, hardware, consumables and mold padding welder’s selling and servings JINWEI is a new market presence. But it draws on the resources, traditions, technologies and commitments of proven industry leaders. JINWEI — and the customer and business partner support behind them — are the result of a close collaboration between the china’s most innovative and respected tools, hardware and consumables dealers. Our Promises Now, with JINWEI, all rich heritages for quality, service and uncompromising standards are brought together and that makes JINWEI line a unique opportunity for professional users and the distributors who serve them. The exclusive performance will attract (and retain) the most discriminating customers — customers who are willing to pay extra to get the best. And with JINWEI’s reputation for service and success, you can be assured that JINWEI will to keep customers and distributors supplied, supported — and satisfied. |
商业信息 |
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